Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A Long Time Ago....

     A long time ago, (and what seems to have been a galaxy far far away) i boldly said that i was going to try and update this blog weekly. That was literally 3 years ago, and it's been two years since my last post. To those of you faithful few that have decided to "follow" this blog, i apologize. I have not been a man of my word.  As it turns out, however, I process rather well when I write, and speak, and process... 'nough said. As such i've decided to (tentatively) re-take up my challenge, and attempt blogging once more.

To start, lets get to know me a bit. Even those of you who've known me for a while are probably out of date with my life. Firstly I'm 25 years old now. I've been married four years. I've accomplished the unthinkable and graduated college (with a B.A. in Youth Ministry). CCU is now a fond memory, rather than an infrastructure of life. Currently I "pastor" a small college group in lakewood, i'm starting a photography business, and yes, i still make the best coffee that will ever touch your lips. I live in Denver, CO. I love friendships, photography, video games, philosophy, theology, music, LIFE (not the magazine, those caps are for emphasis).

I'm an avid Whovian. I own all seasons of Psych on DVD. I keep up with Once Upon a Time, Castle, and a few others... all without owning a TV.

I am a nerd. I can tell you the history of Zelda, Halo, The Prince of Persia, Professor Layton, Kingdom Hearts, and a plethora of other nerdy, awesome things.

And though I am older, though I have accomplished much since my last post, i still struggle. There are things in my life which plague me, and have since I was a child. I would still rather play than work. I would rather talk, than do. I would rather laze, than respond. I still have a bit of the popsicle man in me (see older post). More than a bit at times.

I write this post not to say anything. Not yet. Just to inform you that I'm ready.

I'm ready to grow up now.

I'm ready to be a man.

I'm ready to know Him as I am fully known.

I'm ready for maturity, and responsibilities, and steadfastness, and wisdom, and depth, and peace that passes all understanding.

These things have all been promised to me, and i have said "not yet". I have been selfish. Childish. Scared. I have been held back by no one, save myself. All the times in my life which I have suffered the greatest, I can now turn around see myself with the whip. It's time to move on, to give up the things of this world which cling to me so heartily... and to which i cling to so desperately. "Everything that hinders", as the good St. Paul would say, must be thrown off. Not carefully put aside, ready to pick back up at a moments notice; but cast away, out the 13th story window, to crash to the ground, that I may move on. This post, this blog, is a first step toward accepting the things that I have put aside for so long, and must now, with weak arms and fatigued muscles, take up. It's time to burn the popsicle man.

I'm ready.

Justin T. Suits