Wednesday, November 5, 2008

The Beginning- A good place to start

So, whoever you are you're probably thinking that using the word conservative means i'm some extreme right wing nut on a mission to trash everyone who doesn't believe the same way i do. Well in some respects that'd be an alright statement. I do not consider myself strictly a republican, nor do i see myself hanging out in the democratic party. I believe, very strongly that God has a place in everyone's life, however, and that yes, He cares about the politics in America, as well as the world over. my blog also isn't contained to politics. I have been thinking an awful lot about what's going on in the world, but God has also been leading me down paths of self-improvement and opening my mind to secrets that i never before realized! I'm pretty stoked. This "blog" is simply going to be whatever i happen to be thinking about at the time, a journal of sorts that is made up of stuff i kinda want everyone to know about. You, my dear reader, are more than welcome to contradict me, challenge me, disagree with me, or dislike me because of what i have to say. I'm not here to prove people wrong, although i deffinitely believe in a right and wrong, i'm simply going to say what i think needs saying. That being said enjoy! and don't expect every blog i write to be quite so cordial.

Justin, God's Barista

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